proceed directly to the old
ihr lieben. es gibt wichtigeres.
die seiten und habe ich seit einiger zeit nicht mehr aktualisiert und ich werde das auch wohl nur noch sehr sporadisch tun. die arbeit an manifesten in stein gemeisselten seiten, die zudem noch abhängig von schwerfälligen file transfer-protokollen immer meinen wünschen nach hinfälligen skizzen, baustellen und ruinen zuwider lief und läuft, habe ich schon seit längerem durch das mobile tagebuchförmige einsatzkritzeln ersetzt. in meinen weblogs und podcasts bin ich näher bei mir und schneller bei euch. mehr dazu im folgenden; verweise auf die alten seiten stehen ganz unten.
and i saw it was time for a change. und will no longer be petrified with old news. for historical and nostalgic purposes you can find the links to the old content at the bottom of this page.
where to now?
the podcast kraut mask replica is one way out: copyleft noise for your pleasure: the stuttgart living room avantgarde band sturclub: plus weird early eighties kraut punk (aka kassettentäter): plus stray field recordings and rarely heard music found in these and other times in this and other worlds: eclectic, idiosyncratic and radically inconsistent: very obscure: mostly in german. literally hundreds of hours of music including the likes of soft machine, the buzzcocks, sturclub, the pinkees, frauenklinik, the kinks, meri von kleinsmid, raureiter, zoran bihac, nurse with wound, amon düül, the work, autofick, albrecht/d., the 39 clocks, atv and more and more.
wunschmachinenklang is my collection of very very short tracks. this podcast features rarely heard music and other sonic incidences: no track longer than 59 seconds: to explore this and other worlds and these and other times: browse, download or listen online: random and repeat: stockhausen, stooges, sturclub, stormtroopers of death, stinkerbell, station rose, stoned angelina and by the time being more than 150 other artists.
next to visit might be my weblog roots and traces: spurensicherung. most posts seem to be in english, at least sort of. the aim of course is to dig and unearth some forgotten music featuring the 39 clocks again, the fuzztones, the flamin' groovies, john stevens, nurse with wound, das furlines: psych-punk, neo-kraut, free improvisation.
or you might want to share your wisdom or introduce some of your own projects: the sturclub-wiki is stuffed with information about late 70s and early 80s german independent experimental music (aka kassettentäter), recent projects of thee survivors, international connection and collaboration: deep underground listening experience for your pleasure. every body is encouraged to add what ever sHe wants...
oh, and videos, of course. some can be found on blank screan and some more can be seen on the van daale channel at youtube: albrecht/d., sturclub, anya lewin, lol coxhill, joseph beuys, magma, bankleer, amon düül II, derek bailey, siemers, keith rowe, moe tucker, tony conrad and more.
other things might cross your ways.
all the beast:
ralf (2008-07)