siemers music is dedicated to the public domain. siemers music is absolutely copyleft.

you may download every single track or all tracks on this site or any other site on the web for free. you may publish, edit, change, re-make / re-model, destroy or simply ignore the music of siemers and of all associated bands or projects you may find here or anywhere else. you may of course mention the source and you may send some author´s copies. we care: we hope you do, too.

some, most or all rights are reserved for all tracks you may find on this site that do not include siemers or associated bands or projects. these tracks may only be used for personal purposes and information.

copyleft: siemers. sturclub. autofick. zimt. pinkees. anmut und schönheit. raureiter. die mütter. traumwaffe. D:U:R. attraktiv und preiswert.

some, most or all rights reserved: mark perry and alternative t´television aka alternative TV aka ATV. soft machine. the skins. velvet underground. kim fowley. amon düül.

if in doubt: please ask. harm none: do no evil.
 no rights